Cowboys Hockey

"Heart, Strength and Dedication -
A Leader, a Competitor, a Gentleman"

These are the attributes of the annually selected Cowboy of the Year. By no coincidence this also describes the character of the famed "Cowboy Daddy" - the late Duncan May.

In 2010, following his passing, the plaque was renamed and is now awarded in his honour.

The selection process takes place at The Cowboy of the Year Delegation Dinner, hosted each year by the previous delegate where also the outgoing Cowboy of the Year is honoured.

The vote for the new "Cowboy Daddy Award for Cowboy of the Year" must be decided unanimously by all previous Cowboy's of the Year present at the meeting.

The title of Cowboy of the Year is bestowed in perpetuity with the delegation growing in number each year. For a Cowboy, there is no greater honour.